Gantz Associates: A Full Service Law Firm

Welcome to Gantz Associates

“At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice, he is the worst.” – Aristotle

Have you read the fine print on your life? It’s everywhere – in the details of the contract you signed to buy your house, in your employer agreement, in your mortgage, in your credit card agreement, in your car lease, in the details of your life insurance policy.

Most of us take the time to read the words, but we may not know what they mean. Much of the fine print is confusing and complicated.

Gantz Associates is the law firm for real people. We help hard-working Americans prevent the dark spiral of losing homes to foreclosure. We guide people in navigating the sticky web of social security disability, estate planning, bankruptcy and other issues affecting people in their daily lives.

We help you stay afloat. We save all that you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

“We’re here to help you,” says Adam J. Gantz, founder and managing partner of Gantz Associates. “We care about saving our clients from unimaginable loss. Every day we are dedicated to achieving this so that you can live the American dream.”

Gantz Associates provides thorough legal representation to hardworking, but financially challenged, citizens at discounted rates.